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De laatste NEC Datasheet PDF

Deel NeeToepassing
UPD78C12ACW-XX 8-bit single-chip microcomputer
UPD17P068GF-3BA 4-bit microcomputer with on-chip PLL freq. synthesizer
NE4210S01-T1B GaAs HJ-FET for X to Ku band ultra-low noise, high gain amplification
2SC5192 Low-voltage drive, high-frequency transistor
UPD17225MC-XX-5A4 Small general-purpose/remote-control 4-bit single-chip microcontroller
3SK135A-T2 For UHF TV tuner high frequency amplification
RD30M-T1B 200mW Zener diode
UPD31172F1-48-FN VR4121 companion chip
PS7241-1A Optical MOS FET photo coupler
UPD703014AGC-XX-8EU 32-bit RISC-type single-chip microcontroller V850/SA1
EN2-2N4T DC moter control(Lock current 35A MAX.) etc.
2SK3433 Nch power MOS FET
RD4.7JS-T1 Zener diode
NEZ7785-4D1-4DD C-band 15W Po GaAs FET
NEZ5964-8A GaAs FET
UPD178F098GF-3BA 8-bit DTS controller
UPD78C11AL-XX 8-bit single-chip microcomputer
UPD75P216ACW 4-bit single-chip microcomputer
NDL7605P2D InGaAsP MQW-DFB laser diode module with isolator
RD27FMB 1W zener diode, 27V
RD6.2JS-T2 Zener diode
UPD70216HLP-16 16-bit microprocessor incorporating peripheral I/O
UPB1005GS RF block single-chip IC for GPS applications
UPC1093TA Variable shunt regulator
UPD78P4038YGC-XX-8BT System control 16-bit single-chip microcomputer
UPD784217AYGF-XX-3BA 78K/4 16-bit SC
UPD4713ACX Line driver/receiver(compliant with EIA RS-232D)
NEZ5964-3AM GaAs FET

NEC Profiel

NEC Electronics Inc. is an affiliate of NEC Corporation, a multibillion-dollar international manufacturer of computer, communications, and semiconductor products. NEC Electronics Inc. was established in 1981 to consolidate the production and marketing of an ever-growing spectrum of semiconductor devices and electronic components. Currently it is one of the top ten semiconductor manufacturers in the United States. With leading-edge technologies in three key areas - microprocessor, memory, and ASIC - in addition to an innovative line-up of flat panel displays and advanced batteries, NEC Electronics is in a unique position to offer complete system solutions to OEM customers.

NEC Electronics IncInformatiebladen Catalog

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