Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > NPC Datasheet > NPC-3

CF5009AN6 SM5133DS SM5619H3 SM5851AF CF1155 CF5006BKC-1 CF5760HA NR8576AA SM5610H5 SM5624N7 CF5741BB SM5006AHCS SM5003AAH SM6150P CF5021AA-2 CF5006BNE-1 CF5010CL2-1 CF5006AKB-1 SM5133DP SM5623NE SM5010CL2S CF5006ANE-1 SM5003BAH CF5006CND-1 SM6611FBH SM8706AV SM5168BAV SM5617KC

NPC Informatiebladen Catalog-3

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
SM5610N1 NPCIC for quartz crystal oscillating module
CF5009AN6 NPCCrystal oscillator module, 2.7V to 5.5V
SM5133DS NPCFrequency synthesizer PLL IC
SM5619H3 NPCQuartz crystal oscillating IC
SM5851AF NPCDolby prologic decoder
CF1155 NPCMelody LSI
CF5006BKC-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5760HA NPCAnalog clock CMOS IC
NR8576AA NPCReal-time clock module
SM5610H5 NPCIC for quartz crystal oscillating module
SM5624N7 NPCQuartz crystal oscillator mobile IC
CF5741BB NPCAnalog clock CMOS IC
SM5006AHCS NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5003AAH NPCQuartz crystal oscillator IC, 22 to 30 MHz
SM6150P NPCSuccessive-approximation 8-bit A/D converter
CF5021AA-2 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5006BNE-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5010CL2-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5006AKB-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5133DP NPCFrequency synthesizer PLL IC
SM5623NE NPCQuartz crystal oscillator IC
SM5010CL2S NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5006ANE-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5003BAH NPCQuartz crystal oscillator IC, 22 to 30 MHz
CF5006CND-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM6611FBH NPCMiniature high-precision temperature switch IC, output switch temperature 95C
SM8706AV NPCClock generator for DVD players
SM5168BAV NPCPLL frequency synthesizer IC
SM5617KC NPCIC for quartz crystal oscillating module

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