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Optek officiële website

De laatste Optek Datasheet PDF

Deel NeeToepassing
OPB831L55 Slotted optical switch
OPS692 LED and photosensor pair
OPB490L55 Photologic slotted optical switch
OPB942L51 Wide gap slotted optical switch
OPB473T55 Photologic slotted optical switch
OPF391D Fiber optic GaAlAs high speed LED
OPR2100 Six element SMD photodiode array
OP169B GaAs plastic infrared emitting diode
OP955 PIN silicon photodiode
OPB744 Reflective object sensor
OPB375T55 Slotted optical switch
OPB471N51 Photologic slotted optical switch
OPB380P11 Slotted optical switch
OPB493N55 Photologic slotted optical switch
OPF391B Fiber optic GaAlAs high speed LED
OP293A GaAs plastic infrared emitting diode
OPF345B Fiber optic GaAlAs high speed LED
OPB460T51 Photologic slotted optical switch
OP565C NPN silicon photodarlington
OPF522 5 MBd Fiber optic receiver
OPB360P51 Slotted optical switch
OPB822SD Dual channel slotted optical switch
OPB608B Reflective object sensor
OPB492P11 Photologic slotted optical switch
OPB800L55 Wide gap slotted optical switch
OPB842L55 Slotted optical switch
OPB701AL Reflective object sensor
OP231 GaAs hermetic infrared emitting diode

Optek Profiel

TT electronics OPTEK Technology has been an innovative provider of optoelectronic components and assemblies for nearly 40 years. With a worldwide presence and a product portfolio including standard and custom solutions for optoelectronic sensors and switches, magnetic sensors, fiber optic components, visible LEDs and LED assemblies, OPTEK is well-equipped to meet your needs .