Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > SANYO Datasheet > SANYO-58

086 LC75817NE LE28CV1001M-12 2SD895 LC8390M 2SK1444 LC651306A STK4161V LC72323 LC72722 LC36128ML-10 LB1650 LC32464P-80 L78MR09 LC8991 EC3H05B LC322271J-70 LB8109M LB1256M 2SD1193 LA4475 2SB1223 STK400-520 FSS107 LC723756 2SB1406 2SK1735 LC7802

SANYO Informatiebladen Catalog-58

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
2SC5231 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor, VHF to UHF wide-band low-noise amp application
LA6530M SANYO2-channel bridge driver for CD-ROM
2SC3086 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, for switching regulator
LC75817NE SANYO1/8 to 1/10 Duty Dot Matrix LCD Display Controllers/Drivers with Key Input Function
LE28CV1001M-12 SANYO1MEG (131072words x 8bit) flash memory
2SD895 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, 85V/6A, AF 35W output application
LC8390M SANYO16-bit A/D and D/A converter for digital audio system
2SK1444 SANYON-channel silicon MOSFET, ultrahigh-speed switching application
LC651306A SANYO4-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller for Small-Scale Control Applications
STK4161V SANYOAF power amplifier (35W + 35W)
LC72323 SANYOSingle-chip microcontroller with PLL and LCD driver
LC72722 SANYOSingle-Chip RDS Signal-Processing System LSI
LC36128ML-10 SANYO128 K (16384 words x 8 bit) SRAM
LB1650 SANYODual bidirectional motor drive
LC32464P-80 SANYO256K (65536 words x 4 bit) DRAM fast page mode
L78MR09 SANYOVoltage regulator with reset function, with output voltage 9 V.
LC8991 SANYONTSC CCD 1H delay line
EC3H05B SANYONPN Epitaxial Planar Type Silicon Transistor VHF to UHF Wide-Band Low-Noise Amplifier Applications
LC322271J-70 SANYO2MEG (131072words x 16bit) DRAM fast page mode, byte write
LB8109M SANYOActuator driver for portable CD player
LB1256M SANYOPrinter driver
2SD1193 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon darlington transistor, driver application
LA4475 SANYOBTL-OCL 20W power amplifier for car stereo use
2SB1223 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor, driver application
STK400-520 SANYO3-channel (80+40+40W), AF power amplifier (split power supply)
FSS107 SANYOP-Channel Silicon MOSFET Load Switching Applications
LC723756 SANYOETR microcontriller
2SB1406 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor, driver application
2SK1735 SANYON-channel MOS silicon FET, very high-speed switching application
LC7802 SANYOOutput port expansion IC for VTR application

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