Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > UTMC Datasheet > UTMC-3

D9960602QUX 5962R0153501VXX UT69RH051W-CC UT69151-LXE15GPC UT1553B/BCRTMP-GCA 5962G9475403VYC 5962H9653701QEC 5962-9653401QCA UT54ACS20UCC 5962H9475402QXC 5962G9475401QLA UT22VP10T-15UCA 5962L9960702TXC 5962R9659701QXX 5962R9689103VXA UT54ACS373PCA 5962R9659301QRC 5962-9653001QXX

UTMC Informatiebladen Catalog-3

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
5962L0053602TUX UTMC"512K x 8 SRAM MCM SDM. 25ns access time, 5.0V operation. QML class T. Lead finish factory option. Total dose 5E4(50krad(Si))."
5962D9960602QUX UTMC"512K x 8 SRAM SMD. 100ns access time, 5V operation. QML class Q. Extended industrial temp. Lead finish factory option. Total dose 1E4 (10krad(Si))."
5962R0153501VXX UTMCLVDS deserializerSMD. Total dose 1E5 rad(Si). QML class V. Lead finish factory option.
UT69RH051W-CC UTMCRadiaton-Hardened 8-bit microcontroller. Lead finish gold.
UT69151-LXE15GPC UTMC"Non-RadHard enhanced SuMMIT LXE MIL-STD-1553 dual redundant bus controller/remote terminal/monitor/transceiver multichip module. SMD device type 07,08. +5V/-15V operation. Lead finish gold. Prototype."
UT1553B/BCRTMP-GCA UTMCUT1553B BCRTMP bus controller remote terminal multi-protocol. Lead finish solder.
5962G9475403VYC UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 20ns propagation delay, CMOS I/O. Class V. Lead finish gold."
5962H9653701QEC UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. 4-bit comparator. Class Q, QML. Lead finish gold. Total dose 1E6 rads(Si)."
5962-9653401QCA UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Dual D flip-flops with clear & preset. Class Q, QML. Lead finish solder. Total dose none."
UT54ACS20UCC UTMCRadHard MSI. Dual 4-input NAND. CMOS compatible I/O level. Lead finish gold.
5962H9475402QXC UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 1E6 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class Q. Lead finish gold."
5962G9475401QLA UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, CMOS I/O. Class Q. Lead finish solder."
UT22VP10T-15UCA UTMCRadiation Hardened PAL. TTL I/O 15.5ns propagation delay. Lead finish solder.
5962L9960702TXC UTMC"512K x 8 SRAM SMD. 25ns access time, 3.3V operation. Class T. Lead finish gold. Total dose 5E4(50krad)(Si)"
5962R9659701QXX UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Dual 4-input NOR gate. Class Q, QML. Lead finish optional. Total dose 1E5 rads(Si)."
5962R9689103VXA UTMC"Radiation-hardenet 32K x 8 PROM SMD. Class V. 45ns acces time, TTL inputs, CMOS/TTL compatible outputs. Lead finish solder. Total dose 1E5 rads(Si)."
UT54ACS373PCA UTMCRadHard MSI. Octal transparent latch with 3-state outputs. CMOS compatible I/O level. Lead finish solder.
5962R9659301QRC UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Octal driver, w/inverted three-state outputs. Class Q, QML. Lead finish gold. Total dose 1E5 rads(Si)."
5962-9653001QXX UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Hex noninverting buffers. Class Q, QML. Lead finish optional. Total dose none."
5962F9684502VYX UTMC"Dual-port SRAM SMD with busy flag. Lead finish optional. Class V. Device type 02 (4Kx9, CMOS compatible inputs, 45 ns). Total dose 3E5 rads(Si)."
5962D9960702QUA UTMC"512K x 8 SRAM SMD. 25ns access time, 3.3V operation. Class Q. Lead finish hot solder dipped. Total dose 1E4(10krad)(Si)"
5962F0151701QYA UTMCRadiation-hardenet 32K x 8 PROM SMD. Class Q. 65ns acces time. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si).
5962H9475408VLC UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 1E6 rads(Si). 15.5ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class V. Lead finish gold."
5962H9475402QYX UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 1E6 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class Q. Lead finish optional."
5962H9653501VCX UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Dual D flip-flops with clear & preset. Class V, QML. Lead finish optional. Total dose 1E6 rads(Si)."
5962R3829437SNC UTMCRadiation-Hardened 8Kx8 SRAM SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 55ns access time. QML class V. Lead finish gold.
5962-9657001VXA UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Octal buffer & line driver, three-state output. Class V, QML. Lead finish solder. Total dose none."
5962R9656401VXA UTMC"RadHard MSI SMD. Synchronous 4-bit up-down binary counter. Class V, QML. Lead finish solder. Total dose 1E5 rads(Si)."
5962R3829436BXX UTMCRadiation-Hardened 8Kx8 SRAM SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 75ns access time. QML class Q. Lead finish optional.
5962G9475401QLX UTMC"Radiation Hardened PAL SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, CMOS I/O. Class Q. Lead finish optional."

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