Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > Hitachi Datasheet > Hitachi-85

J-6 HD14536B 2SC4264 HD68B40 2SJ518 2SC5545 HD74AC194 HD49815TF HM62256BLT-7SL HM62256ASP-8 HD74LS240P HM514400ALZ-8 HD74HC30 HM514400ASLT-7 HM62W16255HJPI-15 HD14046B 2SK1627 HD74ALVCH162260 HM514100DLS-7 HG62E33 HA16107P 2SK2912(S) HA12215F HD74HC193 2SK1160 2SK1668 HN27C256HFP

Hitachi Informatiebladen Catalog-85

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
HD74LS75 HitachiQuad. Bistable Latches
HM514400ASLJ-6 Hitachi1,048,576-word x 4-bid DRAM, 60ns
HD14536B HitachiProgrammable Timer
2SC4264 HitachiSmall signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD68B40 HitachiNMOS PTM (programmable timer module) with 2.0 MHz clock frequency
2SJ518 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
2SC5545 HitachiSmall signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD74AC194 Hitachi4-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
HD49815TF HitachiDigital camera signal processor
HM62256BLT-7SL Hitachi32768-word x 8-bit high speed CMOS static RAM, 70ns
HM62256ASP-8 Hitachi32,768-word x 8-bit high speed CMOS static RAM, 85ns
HD74LS240P HitachiOctal buffers/line drivers/line receivers
HM514400ALZ-8 Hitachi1,048,576-word x 4-bid DRAM, 80ns
HD74HC30 Hitachi8-input NAND Gate
HM514400ASLT-7 Hitachi1,048,576-word x 4-bid DRAM, 70ns
HM62W16255HJPI-15 Hitachi4M high speed SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HD14046B HitachiPhase-Locked Loop
2SK1627 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HD74ALVCH162260 Hitachi12-bit to 24-bit Multiplexed D-type Latch with 3-state Outputs
HM514100DLS-7 Hitachi4,194,304-word x 1-bit dynamic RAM, 70ns
HG62E33 Hitachi0.3-6.7 V, master slice CMOS gate array
HA16107P HitachiSwitching regulator
2SK2912(S) HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HA12215F HitachiAudio signal processor for cassette deck (dolby B-type NR with recording system)
HD74HC193 HitachiSynchronous Up/Down 4-bit Binary Counter with Dual Clock Lines
2SK1160 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
2SK1668 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HN27C256HFP-85T Hitachi256K (32K x 8-bit) UV and OTP EPROM, 85ns
BB502M HitachiSmall signal high frequency amplifier field effect (FET) transistor
2SC2546 HitachiSmall signal general purpose transistor

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