Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > ICST Datasheet > ICST-4

ICS9108-03CN14 AV9248F-107 ICS513M MK1418STR ICS9159M-13 AV9172-03CW16 MK1443-02S MK2704STR ICS9148M-60 MK3720ATR ICS9112M-16-T ICS9169CM-273 ICS9248G-50-T AV9148M-60 MK3727S MK74CB217R ICS650R-07I ICS541M ICS9108-03CS8 MK74CB115R GSP9108-05CN14 ICS8501BYT ICS9148F-02 MK1449STR A

ICST Informatiebladen Catalog-4

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
ICS570BI ICSTMultiplier and zero delay buffer
ICS501-DPF ICSTLOCO PLL clock multiplier
ICS9108-03CN14 ICSTCPU frequency generator
AV9248F-107 ICSTFrequency timing generator for Pentium II system
ICS513M ICSTLOCO PLL clock generator
MK1418STR ICSTOPL3, OPL4+ codec clock source
ICS9159M-13 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffer for Pentium
AV9172-03CW16 ICSTLow skew output buffer
MK1443-02S ICSTSCSI and ethernet clock source
MK2704STR ICSTPLL audio clock synthesizer
ICS9148M-60 ICSTPentium/PRO system clock chip
MK3720ATR ICST27MHz and 54MHz 3.3V VCXO
ICS9112M-16-T ICSTLow skew output buffer
ICS9169CM-273 ICSTFrequency generator for Pentium based system
ICS9248G-50-T ICSTFrequency timing generator for Pentium II system
AV9148M-60 ICSTPentium/PRO system clock chip
MK3727S ICSTLow cost 24-36MHz 3.3V VCXO
MK74CB217R ICSTDual 1 to 8 buffalo clock driver
ICS650R-07I ICSTNetworking clock source
ICS541M ICSTPLL Clock driver
ICS9108-03CS8 ICSTCPU frequency generator
MK74CB115R ICST1 to 16 buffalo clock driver
GSP9108-05CN14 ICSTCPU frequency generator
ICS8501BYT ICSTLow skew 1 to 16 differential current mode fanout buffer
ICS9148F-02 ICSTPentium/PRO system clock chip
MK1449STR ICSTSound/SCSI+fast ethernet clock
AV9148F-49 ICSTPentium/PRO system clock chip
ICS552G-03T ICSTLow skew 1 to 8 clock buffer
AV9169M-01 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffers for Intel Pentium and Pentium PRO
MK2042-01SI ICSTCommunication clock monitor

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