Pad:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Notitie > ICST Datasheet > ICST-5

07 ICS9159C-02CW28 AV9154A-10CS16 ICS8535AG-01 ICS570MT MK3727STR AV9248F-112 MK712S MK3233-02STR ICS8701CYT ICS9112M-27-T MK3711STR ICS9148F-12 AV2495M ICS511MI MK1413STR ICS601G-01 AV9154A-27CS16 MK74ZD133Y ICS9148F-26 ICS9148F-53 ICS9159CM-14 ICS673M-01IT AV9250F-26-T GSP9170-

ICST Informatiebladen Catalog-5

Deel NeeFabrikantToepassing
AV9178Y-03 ICST245MHz clock generator and integrated buffer for powerPC
ICS9159M-07 ICSTFrequency generator for NexGen Nx586 system
ICS9159C-02CW28 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffer for Pentium
AV9154A-10CS16 ICSTLow-cost 16-pin frequency generator
ICS8535AG-01 ICSTLow skew 1 to 4 LVCMOS to 3.3V LVPECL fanout buffer
ICS570MT ICSTMultiplier and zero delay buffer
MK3727STR ICSTLow cost 24-36MHz 3.3V VCXO
AV9248F-112 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffer for Celeron and PII/III
MK712S ICSTTouch screen controller
MK3233-02STR ICSTHandheld system clock synthesizer
ICS8701CYT ICSTLow skew -1, -2 clock generator
ICS9112M-27-T ICSTLow skew PCI/PCI-X buffer
MK3711STR ICSTLow cost 8-16 MHz 3.3V VCXO
ICS9148F-12 ICSTPentium/PRO system clock chip
AV2495M ICSTDial video/memory clock generator
ICS511MI ICSTLOCO PLL clock multiplier
MK1413STR ICSTMPEG audio clock synthesizer
ICS601G-01 ICSTLow phase noise clock multiplexer
AV9154A-27CS16 ICSTLow-cost 16-pin frequency generator
MK74ZD133Y ICSTPLL and 32-output clock driver
ICS9148F-26 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffers for Pentium/PRO
ICS9148F-53 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffers for mother board
ICS9159CM-14 ICSTFrequency generator and integrated buffer for Pentium
ICS673M-01IT ICSTPLL building block
AV9250F-26-T ICSTFrecuency generator and integrated buffer for Celeron and PII/III
GSP9170-07CN08 ICSTClock multiplier
AV2572N-SB ICSTUser-programmable dual high-performance clock generator
MK2049-02S ICSTCommunication clock PLL
MK1412S ICSTMPEG audio clock synthesizer
ICS9147F-12 ICSTPentium/PRO system and cyrix clock chip

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