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De laatste Hitachi Datasheet PDF

Deel NeeToepassing
2SB1409(S) Bipolar power general purpose transistor
HM62W16255HLTT-15 4M high speed SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit), 15ns access time
HA11235 Synchronous signal processing system
HD63B05Y1F 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit
2SC3390 Small signal general purpose transistor
2SC1906 Small signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD74LS32 Quad. 2-input OR Gates
2SC4926 Small signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD74AC157 Quad. 2-to-1 line Data Selectors/Multiplexers with noninverted outputs
2SC3867 Small signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD74LS48 BCD-to-Seven Segment Decode/Driver with Internal Pull-up outputs
2SD1368 Small signal general purpose transistor
2SJ574 Power small signal switching MOSFET
HM6264ALP-12 8192-word x 8-bit high speed CMOS static RAM, 120ns
HD6305X2P 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit
HD74AC174 Hex D-type Flip-Flops with Clear
HM514400BZ-8 1,048,576-word x 4-bit dynamic random access memory, 80ns
HD6301Y0F 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit
2SK1404 Power switching MOSFET
2SJ361 Power switching MOSFET
HM62V8512BLTT-8SL 4M SRAM (512-kword x 8-bit), 85ns access time
2SK740 Power switching MOSFET
HD6435328F 16-bit CMOS microcomputer, 1K-byte high-speed RAM on-chip, 32K-byte mask ROM on-chip
HD74AC112 Dual J-K Flip-Flops with Preset and Clear
2SK3135(S) Power switching MOSFET
2SC4693 Small signal high frequency amplifier transistor
HD74LS27 Triple 3-input NOR Gates
HD74AC107 Dual J-K Flip-Flops with Clear

Hitachi Profiel

Hitachi Semiconductor In the growing emergence of IT in business and society, Hitachi serves as a supplier to provide various advanced equipments such as semiconductors and display units, and contributes to the developent of the contemporary society.